I was born on the 23rd of July 1987 in Bratislava, where I have lived ever since. I deal with transport, urban development and regular commuting in my professional life. Those are areas exceptionally interconnected, and therefore, I consider it to be interesting to see the leverage of their different development. I attempt to be precise and punctilious. Having worked in the areas, I have gained much knowledge in IT by self-study. I consider cartography layouts, schemes and other graphics as a unique subset of IT, which is my hobby.
In my personal life, I like photography, travelling, cycling, website development and occasional programming. I like rambles both in forests and cities, predominantly with my wife Veronika and our children Teodor and Tamara.
Since early childhood, I have been interested in travelling and learning about new regions. I have been fascinated by public passenger transport facilities and about factors affecting individual passengers in their choice of the journey. Out of all the means of transport, I like rail transport most. As an enthusiast, I am interested in civil aviation.
Philosophiae Doctor (PhD.)• August 2015
I attended the post gradual study from 2011 to 2015 in the field of regional geography. My agenda was both teaching and research. The teaching included the lecturing of seminaries, the assistance for professors and the preparation of students to defend their theses. I had prepared seven students at the bachelor's degree and one student at the master's degree in total. Furthermore, I took part as a staff on the national geography Olympics from 2012 to 2014. The research included the analysis of current trends and methods in the determination of functional urban regions, the urban development analyses, the population growth modelling and the observation of daily commuting. Overall, I had developed 16 scientific papers to be published either in domestic or foreign scientific journals indexed in the SCOPUS database. Three times during my four-year study, I received "the PhD student of the year prize" awarded by the department for Regional Geography and Environment.
Natural Sciences Doctor (RNDr.) • January 2014
The so-called Rigorous study was an extension of the master's degree I had attended from 2009 to 2011 and the bachelor's degree from 2006 to 2009. During my studies, I had acquired knowledge in public administration, the advanced description of the geography of the Slovak Republic, the population growth modelling, the regional taxonomy and the basic principles of European integration and its tools. I finished the master's degree with the prize for the outstanding thesis.
Head of a unit• November 2022 -
This work position deals with leading a team responsible for fostering public passenger and non-motorised transport at the national level. Apart from these tasks, the team deals with the harmonisation and integration of public passenger transport, active communication with other local and regional public bodies and legislation processes in the field of public transportation. The team has prepared the Act on public passenger transport in Slovakia, an integral part of the public passenger transport reform.
Senior state counsellor• February 2022 - October 2022
The main agenda was to arrange adequate support for public passenger and non-motorized transport at the side of public administration bodies, complex transport harmonization and communication among different self-governing bodies on the development of strategy documents dealing with public transport in Slovakia. The agenda required a connection at the level of the neighbouring states and the EU.
CEO• May 2021 -
The main agenda is to represent a small limited enterprise providing graphic design, creation of schematics and cartographic outputs, services in the field of polygraphy and DTP, broker services, consulting in transport, other services and operating a microbus rental service. Moreover, the enterprise provides UAS aerial photography.
Head of department• September 2019 - January 2022
The agenda encompasses management of a small-scaled team liable for the processes of transport planning, ensuring the correct function of information systems in public transport vehicles and on bus stops, analysis of the vehicle occupancy and punctuality and provision of static data on transport service to third party applications and connection planners. Furthermore, an integral part of the agenda rests on cooperation with IT system suppliers on software solutions adapting to the local conditions as well as intensive communication with the company shareholder and commissioner of transport services under the public obligation contract - the city of Bratislava.
CTO (acting)• November 2019 - January 2020
The main agenda of the CTO was the leadership of a team consisting of various managers of relevant organizational units responsible for the management of executive employees working shifts, development, execution and monitoring of a transport process from time-table preparation through publishing of transport information for passengers, transport dispatching and dealing with tariff and IT systems within the transport facilities.
External associate• Jún 2019 - December 2021
The main agenda is the state of the art analysis of transport organisation, the definition of its feasible alternatives and preparation of accurate cartographic inputs.
Senior state counsellor• March 2018 - July 2019
The main agenda was to arrange adequate support for public passenger and non-motorized transport at the side of public administration bodies, complex transport harmonization and communication among different self-governing bodies on the development of strategy documents dealing with public transport in Slovakia. The agenda required a connection at the level of the neighbouring states and the EU.
State counsellor• December 2017 - February 2018
The main agenda was to arrange adequate support for public passenger and non-motorized transport at the side of public administration bodies as well as transport harmonization and communication with other self-governing bodies. The essential part of the agenda was to ensure compliance among various strategy documents and the general transport policy of the Slovak Republic and the European Union. Furthermore, I took part in a team responsible for the development of basic guidelines on sustainable mobility approach. Transport harmonization was the most crucial task, in which I have participated.
Head of a unit• April 2017 - November 2017
The main agenda was to arrange adequate support for public passenger and non-motorized transport at the side of public administration bodies, transport harmonization and communication with other self-government bodies. Furthermore, I lead a team responsible for the approval of urban rail transport vehicles, select rail transport vehicles and rope-way facilities, as well as setting up general design processes of rail transport projects. The agenda requires communication with European bodies.
State counsellor• December 2014 - June 2017
The main agenda was to arrange adequate support for public passenger and non-motorized transport at the side of public administration bodies, compatibility among different strategy documents with the general transport policy of The Slovak Republic and The European Union and development of the basic guidelines on active approach in fostering of public passenger transport.
External associate• January 2018 - December 2018
External associate• June 2016 - December 2016
The main agenda was to develop graphics outputs of transport organization to secure a better orientation for passengers such as transport network schemes, terminal schemes.
University teacher - special assistant• November 2015 - June 2016
The main agenda was teaching, seminary leading, preparation, and supervising the students in their process of thesis finalization. I also prepared study materials and researched advanced issues of spatial planning, regional development, transport, daily commuting and functional regions delineation.
High school teacher• January 2014 - June 2014
The main agenda was the arrangement of the Geography subject at high school. The pupils aged from 11 to 19 were provided with self-prepared materials, maps, interactive tools and up-to-date materials downloaded from the Internet.
All completed and ongoing working agenda, as well as the post-gradual study, has helped me to gain skills in working with people, including the leading and organization of their tasks. On account of language skills, I can hold a fluent conversation in English language and discuss particular issues and topics (mostly concerning transport, regional development or population modelling). Furthermore, I can relatively easily understand German language . The writing form of English helps me to publish in foreign papers and magazines. I have advanced skills in desktop publishing. Besides, I possess a driving licence for:
So far, the website of the Department of Regional Geography and Environment has been my most significant project. The site was programmed during my free time and is designated for communication between staff and students. To achieve the purpose, I had to develop a fully-fledged management with a sophisticated user group classification. Design manual of the department was developed along with the website.
WebdesignStatic (with the possibility to be updated to dynamic one) website for a small company dealing with facility management.
WebdesignThis study was an essential physical-geography and human-geography analysis of the Ružomberok city with fully-fledged thematic cartography enclosures.
Analysis, CartographyThis study was an essential physical-geography and human-geography analysis of the Bratislava city with fully-fledged thematic cartography enclosures. The cartography included harmonization of materials, design of their accurate graphic representation and emphasis on selected landscape components. The contours were converted to hill-shade by a computer technique.
Analysis, CartographyThe main goal of my rigorous thesis was to analyse the population growth with various projections of different growth allocation between Bratislava and the rest of the region. Many thematic maps depicting its traits was the secondary output of the thesis. The approximation of the job number in individual municipalities (elementary statistical units) was carried out by a simple mathematic modelling.
Analysis, CartographyThe analysis of daily commuting was used as a primary material for a public passenger analysis conducted after the launch of III. stage of the Integrated Transport System in Bratislava Region. One of the studies dealt with the commuting isochrones calculated by interpolation methods.
CartographyThe main goal of the study was to observe the changes in modal split after the abolishment of all rail services on local tracks in the Gemer region.
Analysis, CartographyThe main goal of the project was to propose the cover and finalise desktop publishing for a domestic monography.
Graphics, Design, Desktop publishingThe main goal of the project was to analyze the regional transport route network in the Bratislava region and provide a graphical output. Plans of several transfer terminals were supplied along with the results
Graphics, Design, CartographyThe national transport policy has been declared in the so-called Strategy plan of transport development in the Slovak Republic until 2030. This plan comprises bottleneck analysis, goals, measure design and others. To facilitate the process, a booklet has been developed for either local or regional bodies to highlight the most fundamental parts from the plan, especially those concerning public passenger transport.
Graphics, Design, DTPTo optimise the teaching of the Geography of the Slovak Republic, I have developed a simple set of cartography equipment for pupils. This equipment helped to replace the process of taking notes, which is time-consuming, by useful tool fostering the visual memory and the sense for orientation.
Moreover, an expansion to make the whole teaching process even more useful, I have prepared an Internet application called The Geography Atlas of Slovakia. Its development has been terminated as I left the job I required this application for.
CartographyThe main goal of the development of the application was to facilitate the teaching process. The app allows the user to plot a variety of thematic maps of Slovakia. Further progress was to be continued, but upon leaving my job, there was no motivation to update the interface. Please, feel free to try out the application by clicking the link below.
Graphics, Cartography, DevelopmentAmidst the few goals of my doctoral thesis, the most essential was to find a suitable system of the internal structure of the functional urban regions in Slovakia as an organic origin for advanced suburbanization research without unnecessary statistical bias caused by distant municipalities of a FUR that interaction with a regional core is negligible. The whole calculation was written as a source code that included a few control mechanisms and iterations.
Development, CartographyThe main subject of the project was a graphical plan of rail transport routes as an output of an audit of the connectivity of the rail transport network in Slovakia for the 2016/2017 rail transport timetable.
Graphics, designDubová is the name of my neighbourhood named after the street. Ever since I moved to my location, I have strived for better and safe transport. From 2010 to 2019, I sent tens of suggestions to the city office, while some were accepted and implemented, and some were instead ignored. An idea to resend all the proposals to the freshly elected council struck my mind in March 2019. I used my very few graphics skills and knowledge in transport finally producing a study with bottleneck identification, proposals and photographic documentation.
Graphics, designIn 2016 I was asked to process the first proposal of a suburban bus transport routes schematic map of the Bratislava region for the A3 output. The system was very customer unfriendly as almost every bus route number contained more than ten different branches and varied a lot. The schematic map proposal confirmed this issue, which contributed to significant changes as of August 2018 that led to unambiguity and reduction of useless system variability.
Graphics, designThe Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic launched the project called The National transport plan in 2019 to tackle issues with different competencies among different transport commissioners throughout Slovakia. That was a part I was called in to prepare a simple schematic map of current and proposed train lines and connecting bus routes. Each line got its number or name, its colour and the stroke thickness represented the proposed departures of the respective line per hour. A simple benefits chart added it up. The proposal included three different scenarios. The business-as-usual scenario is provided with as the simplest example.
Graphics, designTo prepare a so call Sustainable mobility plan of the region and the subsequent Transport plan of the region, it was necessary to assess the service area of all suburban bus routes. Like in the Bratislava region in 2016, it was the first schematic map of suburban bus routes at the stops level.
Graphics, designDue to the plans pertaining implementation of prepaid transport cards, the Trnava region ought to establish a just brand new system of transport zones. Since the public transport integration of the Bratislava region and Trnava region is inevitable owing to the geographical conditions, the regionalisation method in Trnava has been built on the one in Bratislava to make the forthcoming unification as seamless as possible.
Graphics, designDo not hesitate to leave me a message.